Creating Community: We’re in this together!

Creating Community: We’re in this together!

Living on campus can be an incredibly rewarding experience but it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of the keys to making your college journey enjoyable is creating a healthy, safe and positive community in the residence halls. How can you contribute to this? It’s simple: by respecting others, keeping your space clean and showing respect for common areas and property. 

Respect Your Neighbors 
Your building is a melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, and personalities. It’s essential to respect the diversity of your fellow residents. Here’s how: 

  • Quiet Hours: Noise can be a big issue in dorms. Be mindful of quiet hours (10 p.m.-8 a.m. weekdays and 2 a.m.-10 a.m. on weekends) If you like to have a late-night study session or hang out with friends, keep the volume down 
  • Roommate Communication: If you have a roommate, open and honest communication is crucial. Discuss your schedules, preferences and boundaries. This will help prevent conflicts down the road 
  • Visitors: When you have guests over, make sure they respect the rules as well. Your friends should feel welcome, but they shouldn’t disrupt the peace and quiet of the building 

Cleanliness is Key 

Maintaining a clean space isn’t just for your benefit; it affects your neighbors too. Here’s why: 

  • Hygiene: Good hygiene isn’t just a personal matter; it impacts those around you. Keep your room and shared spaces clean to prevent the spread of germs and to avoid attracting pests 
  • Shared Bathrooms and Kitchens: If you share bathrooms and kitchens, clean up after yourself. Nobody wants to deal with someone else’s mess 
  • Trash: Dispose of room trash in the outside dumpsters. Overflowing garbage bins not only attract pests but also create an unpleasant environment 

Respect Common Areas and Property 

Your building has shared lounges, study rooms, kitchens and laundry facilities. Treating these areas with respect benefits everyone: 

  • Study Rooms: Be mindful of others trying to study in common areas. Keep noise levels down and be considerate of those who need quiet spaces 
  • Laundry Rooms: Don’t leave your clothes in the washing machines or dryers for longer than necessary. Others need to use these machines, too 
  • Common Property: Treat furniture, equipment and shared property with care. Report any damages by submitting a work request so they can be fixed promptly 

By following these simple guidelines, you’ll contribute to a healthy, safe and positive community. Ultimately, your dorm is more than just a place to sleep and study; it can become a vibrant community where lifelong friendships are forged. So, take pride in your residence hall, treat it as your home, and make it a place where everyone feels welcome and respected.