Welcome UGA

Welcome UGA

We’re often asked what students do between move in and the first day of class. In short: a lot!  

First, students living on campus can expect to have a community meeting with their RA. This is a chance to go over policies, meet others on the hall and begin to create the community that will support them throughout the year. 

In addition, the Residence Hall Association (RHA)—a group of students who plan events and have input into housing policies and fees—will host Dawg fest on Myers Quad August 13. Dawg Fest is a carnival-type event with food, activities, games, giveaways and a giant ride-able bulldog! 

Students should look for flyers, digital signs and housing’s virtual bulletin board for events and activities in their own building. Following the building’s account on Instagram is also a great way to know what’s happening. 

A schedule of campus-wide welcome events can be found at welcome.uga.edu, including: 

August 12: First Night at the Tate Student Center 

August 13: Freshman Welcome at Sanford Stadium 

August 22: Transfer Welcome at Sanford Stadium 

August 23: 

  • High Rise Kick-Off between Brumby and Russell halls 
  • Screen on the Green on the East Campus Village Quad 
  • Back to School Night at Brown Hall 
  • Glow Up the Quad on Myers Quad 

August 29-31: Engagement Fair at the Tate Student Center 

Sept. 12: BeWellUGA Fest at the Tate Student Center 

Sept. 14: Ramsey Palooza at Ramsey Student Center