Enter on Instagram Sept. 1-15 for a chance to be named Room of the Year 2021!
Does your room have what it takes to be named Room of the Year? We’re looking for well-designed and organized rooms—on any budget—that show off our residents’ creativity and craftiness.
Simply post up to five photos of your space on Instagram between Sept. 1 and Sept 15. Be sure to use #ROTY21 and tag @UGAHousing and make sure your account is public!
On Sept. 15, our committee will choose the top 10 rooms. Then, it’s time to vote! One like equals one vote on Instagram. At 5 p.m. Sept. 23, we’ll announce a winner!
Grand prize winners receive:
- First chance to pick their on-campus space for 2022-2023 (roommates included!)
- A prize pack valued at $50
Four superlative winners will also be named in the following categories: Most Spirited, Best DIY, Best Use of Space, Most Original.
For more information and rules, visit the Room of the Year page.