Fear Factor: Community bathrooms

Fear Factor: Community bathrooms

Living on campus can be an exciting and challenging experience, especially if you’re a first-year student. One of the most significant aspects of dorm life is sharing a bathroom with others. While some people may find it intimidating, a shared bathroom can be a great way to make friends and enjoy the UGA experience. Here are some benefits of a community bathroom: 

  • It’s always clean: Housing staff clean community bathrooms once or twice every weekday and are on call on weekends. This means that you won’t have to worry about cleaning the bathroom yourself, and it should always be in good condition 
  • It can be fun: Sharing a bathroom with other students can be a great way to make friends and socialize. You’ll have the opportunity to chat with other students while you’re brushing your teeth or getting ready for class. Never had a shower karaoke party? Now you can 
  • It encourages respect: Living in a community means learning to respect others’ space, and sharing a bathroom is an excellent way to practice that. You’ll have to learn to be considerate of others and their schedules, which will help you build better relationships 

If you’re new to sharing a bathroom, it may take some getting used to. Here are some tips to help make the adjustment easier: 

  • Be respectful: Be respectful of other people’s space and time. Don’t hog the shower or leave your belongings scattered around the bathroom 
  • Set boundaries: Set boundaries with your roommates or floormates to make sure everyone is on the same page about bathroom etiquette 
  • Keep it clean: Remember to clean up after yourself and leave the bathroom in good condition for the next person. Avoid products that may permanently damage the space, such as hair dye 

Although sharing a bathroom may seem daunting at first, it can be a fun and enjoyable aspect of college dorm life. With the right mindset and some basic etiquette, you can make the most of this unique experience and build lasting relationships with your fellow students.