The art of wellness

The art of wellness

The Art of Wellness Living Learning Community at the University of Georgia is a unique initiative that aims to foster a holistic approach to well-being among its students. In partnership with the Department of Dance, the program was launched in 2017 and has since become a popular choice for students who seek to develop their physical, mental and emotional health. 

The program is part of the Division of Student Affairs’ well-being initiative, a comprehensive effort to promote well-being across the UGA campus. The initiative includes a range of programs and resources designed to support students’ academic, personal and social growth. 

The Art of Wellness Living Learning Community is unique in that it combines the academic and residential experiences of students. Participants live together in a designated residence hall and take courses that focus on various aspects of well-being, such as nutrition, stress management and mindfulness. 

The program also offers a range of co-curricular activities, including yoga classes, hiking trips and volunteer opportunities, to help students explore different aspects of well-being in a supportive and engaging environment. 

The Art of Wellness Living Learning Community is an excellent example of how the Division of Student Affairs’ well-being Initiative is working to promote holistic well-being among UGA students. By combining academic, residential and co-curricular experiences, the program provides students with a comprehensive approach to wellness that helps them develop the skills and habits they need to thrive in college and beyond. 

Overall, the Art of Wellness Living Learning Community is a valuable resource for UGA students who seek to prioritize their well-being while pursuing their academic and personal goals. The program is a testament to the university’s commitment to providing its students with the resources and support they need to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. 

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