Registration is live for incoming first-year and graduate students, as well as current students.
Priority registration period: Dec. 2, 2021-Jan. 14, 2022
Appointment times to choose a space will be granted in the order in which current students complete the returning student registration in The Dawg House.
Residents wishing to live on campus for 2022-2023 academic year should log onto The Dawg House and complete the initial registration. The priority sign-up period is between Dec. 2, 2021 and 11:59 p.m. Jan. 14, 2022. There is no fee for current residents, and registration alone does not commit students to living on campus for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Residents wishing to keep the same room or to stay in their current hall will have the opportunity to do so before appointment times to choose spaces. Not all spaces are eligible for same-room or same-hall sign up. Depending on the number of residents wishing to participate in room sign up, multiple rounds of appointment times may be given until all returning student spaces are contracted.
First-year undergraduate students enrolled as full-time students, as defined by the Office of the Registrar, are required to live in campus residence halls. Students first enrolling in the summer are required to live in the residence halls during the summer, fall and spring semesters. Students first enrolling in the fall are required to live in the residence halls during the fall and spring semesters. Students first enrolling in the spring are required to live in the residence halls during the spring semester.
For most students, the opportunity to choose your space is determined by the date you register for housing and pay the $40 fee. Earlier registration = earlier appointment time to choose.
Graduate students who have applied to the University of Georgia can register for housing in The Dawg House prior to being admitted by the University.
Roommate option contracts are also available for independent graduate students wishing to share a two-bedroom apartment with another student of the same gender.