What is the National Residence Hall Honorary?

The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is the premiere honorary and sister organization to the Residence Hall Association that is supported by the leading international organization, the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH).

What does NRHH do?

NRHH focuses on promoting community service and recognition through Housing. Chapter members participate in social, scholastic, and service events to promote personal growth and development.

Who can be a member of NRHH?

In order to be eligible for becoming a member of NRHH, you must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and have lived in a residence hall for at least one semester. You must have also had a positive impact on the on-campus housing experience.

How can I apply for NRHH?

Once per semester, the NRHH executive board begins the recruitment process by encouraging the on-campus community to submit a nomination for a student leader who they think would represent the ideals of a housing student leader within NRHH. All nominees who are eligible will be sent an email about their nomination and will be given a time frame to respond with whether they would like to accept or decline their nomination. Nominees who accept their nomination will then be considered Candidate Members which is a “trial period” for those who are interested in NRHH. Candidate Members will then be required to fill out an application to become inducted members. The NRHH Executive Board will conduct a process that will vote Candidate Members into the organization, and Candidate Members who have been voted in will be inducted. Inducted members are full-fledged members of NRHH.

How can I stay informed of NRHH events?

Follow our Instagram page (@uganrhh) to stay up to date on the latest NRHH events and information!

What are OTMs?

Of the Month Awards (OTMs) are a premiere recognition tool that come in the form of essays in which the writer nominates a person, group, or program to be considered for campus, regional, or NACURH-wide (National Association of College and University Residence Halls) recognition. OTMs are submitted via the database on the OTM NACURH Website to campus-level administrators who oversee the voting process. Through the voting process, a winner will be selected from each category and recognized on the campus level.

How do I submit an OTM?

Learn how to submit an OTM here:

What are OTYs?

Of the Year Awards (OTYs) help to recognize hard-working individuals who continually stand out and enhance the on-campus experience at the University of Georgia. Is there an organization, a staff member, or a few students who you find yourself repeatedly wanting to recognize for an OTM? These people/organizations/groups may be more than deserving for an OTY award! OTYs are distributed every year at the End of the Year Recognition Banquet hosted by the NRHH Executive Board and Banquet Committee. See the NRHH Instagram for the date of our next Banquet and how you can submit an OTY!

Can I live off campus and still be involved with NRHH?

Yes, you can! One of the requirements to become a member is that you must have lived on campus for at least one semester, but it is not required that you live on campus to continually be an active Candidate Member, an active Inducted General Body member, or a member of the executive board unless you are the NRHH Executive Director. Only the NRHH Executive Director is required to live on campus in order to hold their position.

Can Candidate Members be on the Executive Board?

No. You must be a full-fledged Inducted Member in good standing to sit on the executive board of NRHH.