Housing is Home: Reflections of a UGA Senior 

Housing is Home: Reflections of a UGA Senior 

As one of the first residents who moved into Payne Hall for the academic year, I remember feeling overwhelmed and lonely but optimistic. I was ready to meet so many new people and make memories to last a lifetime, while also getting to know my new home for the next four years. I achieved this and so much more with an opportunity in University Housing as a social media ambassador. As a freshman in the position, I moved in earlier than all my fellow peers to begin planning social media content for the year and meet the rest of the students on the street team. I soon learned that as a Dawg, your home is where the Arch is. 

Despite the pandemic’s impact on my first year—no in-person classes, closed dining commons and mandatory masks—a strong sense of community persisted on campus. There was a shared understanding as a student that we were all experiencing this unprecedented situation simultaneously, even though we each may have felt its effects in different ways. I still attended numerous housing events as a social media ambassador, pushing myself outside my comfort zone to connect with new people. These events, requiring content creation and promotional graphics, ignited my passion for social media promotion and marketing.  Fueled by this newfound passion, I applied to the Terry College of Business for Digital Marketing and now aim for a full-time career in the industry after graduation. 

Unexpectedly but gratefully, University Housing has come full circle for me as I accepted a job in the same position to start off my senior year. Upon our first day of training, I immediately felt at home because of the collaborative spirits and passion of my coworkers and became eager to start working with the team. This has been one of the best opportunities for me since I often get to look back at my growth in this role, from a young freshman to a more experienced senior. I am implementing skills and strategies that I have learned through my coursework as well as previous marketing internship positions. Most importantly, I am always shown support and encouragement by fellow Housing staff and students who genuinely want me to succeed. Being a part of this team is more than just meeting biweekly to accomplish our goals: it’s attending campus events together, meeting up at local concerts, seeing weekly comedy shows at the MLC, and even calling each other to catch up late at night. 

I fully believe my involvement with University Housing has shaped my college experience for the better. Along the way, I have definitely had my share of setbacks and challenges, which continue to provide valuable learning experiences that will always mold me as an individual. The friendships born from people I have crossed paths with, the opportunities that have stemmed from my passion for creative marketing, and even just my improved confidence walking around campus are just a few of the positives that I will be taking with me as I graduate.  As I spent my undergraduate years at the University of Georgia, I always heard that “Home Is Where the Arch Is,” but I’ve never felt its true meaning until reflecting on my time with University Housing.