A supporter’s guide to college move in

A supporter’s guide to college move in

For many first-year students, move-in day can be a daunting experience. The transition from home life to dorm life can be overwhelming, and students may feel homesick or unsure about how to navigate their new environment. As a parent, there are several things you can do to support your student during this time. 

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize that move-in day is a big transition. They may feel anxious or uncertain, and it’s important to provide emotional support and reassurance. Encourage your student to talk about their feelings and concerns and offer words of encouragement and support. 

Another way to support your student is to help them prepare for move-in day. This can include packing and organizing their belongings, arranging transportation and ensuring they have all the necessary supplies and essentials. Consider creating a checklist or packing guide to help them stay organized and focused. 

On move-in day, it can be helpful to have a plan in place. Coordinate with your student’s roommate and plan to arrive at the dorm at their scheduled arrival time. Be prepared to help with the move-in process, but also give your student space to explore their new environment and get settled. Encourage them to meet new people, attend orientation events and get involved in campus activities such as #welcomeuga. 

Finally, stay connected with your student throughout the move-in process and beyond. Check in regularly, but also give them space to navigate their new independence. Encourage them to reach out for support and resources if they need it, and offer guidance and advice as needed. 

Move-in day can be a challenging time for first-year students and their families. However, by providing emotional support, helping them prepare and staying connected throughout the process, parents can help their students make a smooth transition to life at UGA.